LIFE AGROgestor in Brussels at the Seminar of the European Network for Rural Development (REDR)

LIFE AGROgestor in Brussels at the Seminar of the European Network for Rural Development (REDR)

The LIFE AGROgestor platform has been presented today in Brussels by Maria Pat González from IFAPA, at the Seminar on “Support for sustainable management of water and soil through rural development programs” organized by the European Network for Development Rural (ENRD), in the poster session of the seminar on support for the sustainable management of water and soil through the EAFRD and other sources of funding, in group 2: ‘Low-input agriculture’.

This seminar has brought together a wide range of professionals and politicians from all over Europe. The main objectives of the seminar are:

  • To provide an overview of the findings and recommendations of the ENRD Thematic Group on Sustainable Management of Water and Soils;
  • To explore possibilities for supporting the sustainable management of water and soils under the EAFRD, through the presentation of existing successful examples of relevant funded projects;
  • To allow participants to actively engage in discussions on enabling factors and bottlenecks in the implementation of RDPs in this area;
  • To feed dialogue between policy makers and practitioners about the steps required for creating an enabling environment for better supporting sustainable management practices in the future.


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