Sampling of soil in the Pilot Parcels of Navarre

Sampling of soil in the Pilot Parcels of Navarre

June 21, 2018. Sampling of soil in the Pilot Parcels of Navarre
Today the soil samples have been taken in the Test Plots corresponding to the Pilot in areas vulnerable to nitrates in Navarra. The pilot is located in Sector I of the Navarra-Valdizarbe Canal, encompassing a Collective Management Area (AGC) of 1.1152 ha. in which 90% of the surface is encompassed in the Vulnerable Zone of the Rio Robo. 40% of it is dedicated to Corn and Wheat.

The sampling of Nmin in soil, is done at the time when the corn crop is with 4-5 leaves, just before the cobertera.

This sampling is part of the follow-up of the specific objectives of the pilot in the 2018 campaign:Follow-up of all the activities of cultivation of corn grain
– Tracking of plots with contributions of organic and / or mineral fertilizers
-Tracking Nmin soil in 10 plots test of corn grain and study of the balance of N soil-plant
-Tracking 1 pilot plot irrigation of corn grain: soil moisture sensors, HAD irrigation
-Compilation of the analytical controls carried out by GAN and the CHE on the Rio Robo
-Collect the actual consumption data per hydrant.
-Evaluation of volume of water assignable to irrigation in Rio Robo

The LIFE AGROgestor platform will be validated in 3 collective management environmental pilots during the years 2018, 2019 and 2020. The pilots have been chosen to respond to each of the environmental problems that are the object of the project: Water scarcity, nitrate contamination, and the problem of organic fertilizers. see more


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